Friday, March 20, 2015

It has begun . . .

Originally, I wanted to start back at the gym on this past Monday, but that did not happen due to some unforeseen circumstances. But I went on Wednesday and Friday (today).  I must say it is exhilarating being back in the gym again.  It is not that I have not been working out, but I have been working out at home and still paying gym fee.  This makes no sense, lol.  But being in the gym is a completely different feeling, and I forgot how good it is.  I believe I did 100 squats, 100 biceps curls, 100 over head presses, etc.  Therefore, I am really going to be sore tomorrow.

I am trying to get my tone back.   A few months ago, I was where I wanted to be and then life kind of happened, lol.  I am not so far off, I have maintained most of what I worked for.  I am going to use this blog again to keep me accountable for my workouts.  And so it begins . . .

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Here I go again!

Well, 2015 is here.  Actually it has been here for a few months now, lol.  Although I have not been writing, it does not mean I have not been active!  I will admit that during January, I slacked off a bit, but not too much.  But then in February I got sick.  But I am much better now, and have gotten back into the swing of things.

I have been working a lot on my flexibility.  Unfortunately, I lost a good bit of flexibility when I started running.  At one point I was running every day.  And I was running up to 30 miles per week.  However, all the running was doing a number on my hips and knees (which does happen to women).  Therefore, after speaking with a sports medicine specialist, I was advised to cut my running down.  So now I only run two times a week between 3-5 miles, and my body is so thankful!

While running, I no longer had time or the energy for my favorite thing, salsa dancing!  Now, I am dancing again.  Also, I still do HIIT, body weight training and pilates.

A few months ago I did the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, and it guarantees that you lose up to 10 pounds in the 10 days.  Now, it is not one of those starvation "diets."  I did have snacks, like vegetables, fruits and nuts.  So I was never hungry.  And it worked!  I did not want to lose a lot of weight, because I don't really have much that I could lose healthily.  I wanted to conquer my dreaded sweet tooth.  I was able to do so for a very long time.  Then in the new year I had a cookie and that was it, lol.  I am going to repeat the 10 Green Smoothie once again to conquer the sweet tooth.

Well that is my catch for 2015 thus far.   Until the next time . . .

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

30 Day Challenge!

It has been my intention to keep up with this blog!  And yet I have not.

But I have been quite busy.  In January, I ran the MLK 5k and ran my fastest time; 31 minutes.  I was so proud of myself!

Starting January 16, 2014, I began the Body Rock 30 Day Catching Fire Challenge (  This challenge is based on HIIT  (High Intensity Interval Training).  I love these workout, because I can be done in about 12 minutes and have a full and eventful all over body workout.

Although I begin on January 16th,  I had to restart on January 27th due to the fact that I became ill.  It was some virus that was going around attacking everyone.  However, thanks to elderberry syrup I kicked that virus' derrière.  But not to be deterred from my goal, once I felt better I attacked the challenge like nothing ever happened to me.

I really liked the exercises in this particular challenge; I was never bored and I was amazed at the different exercises that I did as well as how strong I became.

By taking photos through the challenge, I tracked my progress.   A while ago, I decided not to get on the scale, that's a sure way to get depressed!  The way my clothes fit was a great indicator of my progress as well.  Yesterday I wore a pair of pants that were extremely baggy, but the week before they were not.  While doing this challenge, I continued to run.  On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I ran 3 miles and on Saturdays I ran 6-7 miles.  Then on Sundays, I would either do a slow 1.5 - 3 mile recovery run or walk.

Since I started the HIIT Challenge, I noticed that my running has gotten better.  Let me expound.  I did not feel as many aches as I did before the Challenge, which is a great thing!  The HIIT Challenge was a lot of core workouts, which is great for runners.  There is another challenge coming up, Boot Camp you can sign up for it here: Boot Camp 21 Day Challenge.

Here is an example:

Today, February 25, 2014 I completed the Catching Fire Challenge!  I am so proud of myself.  It is also great that tomorrow is my birthday.  Yep, I will be 38!  I guess you want to see my results, huh?

Here they are:

Not bad for a soon to be 38 year old.

Another thing that has helped my progress is my diet.  A year ago I became vegan.  I did it for my own health benefits.  Don't worry, I am not a militant vegan.  I don't judge or try to convert others to veganism.  I believe that everyone should do what is best for them.  Sometimes I still crave a double cheese whooper, lol.  That's just being real :)  Well that's it for me.  Now I need to maintain, and continue to get better.  My journey continues! 

*I forgot to mention, on day 30 I am a little bloated.  I have visitor coming real soon.

It's a new year!

Wow, I can't believe that it has been a year since I last wrote in this blog.  It was my intention to continue to have up to date posts.  Slack, I have been.  But, I have been active!  Last year, I became a fulltime vegan!  I also started going back to the gym and added weight lifting again.  But now I only go two times a week.  Here is my work out schedule:

Monday and Wednesday: HIIT Training at the Gym
Tuesday and Thursday: Run 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Long run, 7.5-10 miles
Sunday: Either 1.5 - 2 mile run/walk

December was the best month of 2013 for me.  I ran my first race, the Savannah Bridge Run.  This is the toughest course in the state!  I did the Double Pump, running up and down the bridge 3 times.  It was an awesome experience.  I got my first black toe nail :)

Also, I am liking the changes that are happening with my body.  I am leaner, which is what I want.  I started going back to the gym in May 2013 and I am now just starting to see the changes that everyone else says they see.  Often, I catch myself staring and flexing in the mirror!  I still got a bit to go, but I am happy with what I have accomplished thus far. 

I have not been to the gym this year, but I have been running!  I ran 7.5 miles on Saturday and ran 1.5 and walked 1.5 on Sunday.  It was my intention to go to the gym on Monday, but I did not feel like it, and I was supposed to run today, but it was like 5 degrees outside.  So, I am running 3 miles tomorrow and Thursday.  Then, head to the gym on Friday and Saturday.  I am still getting it in!

I am going to keep up with the blog this year!  Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I am still here!

Hi everyone.  I know it has been a while since I have written in my blog, but that does not mean I have not been active!  Since the last time I wrote, I completed a few other challenges.  I did a Pilates challenge, two challenges with, and now I am running and doing pilates.  I also incorporate some of exercises into my workout regimen.

I have not been to the gym to lift physical weights in a very long time.  Now, I use more body weight.  Since I am running, I have been advised to stay away from heavy weights because they can interfere with long distance running.  So I use my 2-3 pound weights as well as my 8 pound kettle bell.  I am going to get another set of weights, so that I can continue to build up my upper body.

A current picture is below.   I have not weighed myself in a very long time.  And I will be honest I did get a little lazy, it happens.  But I was not lazy for long, the most I took off was about two weeks.  So, I am not so bad =)

I am starting a vegan challenge.  I am going to go vegan for a month and see how that affects my body.  I need to kick the sweets again.  But I have been eating clean sweets (thats what I tell myself to feel better).  I will keep you up to date.  The vegan challenge won't be so hard, since I am already a vegetarian.  The only thing is that I love cheese.  To help me out I ordered some vegan cookbooks: soul food, Latin, and Caribbean.  I am excited!  Well that is all for my updates.  Can you believe it is 2013!  Happy New Year everyone!

Getting ready for a run! 2013

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Oh no, not again. It hurts so good, I don't understand . . .

Rod Stewart is referenced in the title. It's from his song "Infatuation". I thought it was an appropriate title considering. Just watch the video . . .

Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's Done! I'm Finished!

Hello everyone! On yesterday, Saturday, April 7, 2012 I completed the Jamie Eason LiveFit Challenge. Wow! Okay. As some of you who have been reading my blogs know, this has been a tough journey for me. I am in the middle of completing my MBA program and I work 40 plus hours a week. I've been getting up at 4 am in the morning to go to the gym and workout. Man, I set here and think about my first time in the gym. I was so intimidated. I did not know what I was doing.
And now, I am a veteran. I go in the gym and do my workouts without any problems. I am no longer intimidated. I even made some acquaintances. However, there were some issues. During Phase III I started to encounter injuries. First it was my left foot, then it was my right groin, and last my right hip. I had to take a few days off just to recuperate. Also, last weekend I went to New York for a wedding and I did not go to the gym. But I more than made up for it with all of the walking I did. I was planning for this weekend to be my one and only cheat weekend. But it did not happen. I could not bring myself to do it. I did have a small piece of cake, but is slimmer than a slice of bread, lol. So I still ate well at a wedding, that had so much food. Okay, maybe one thing I ate that was bad was the pasta, and I did not eat all of that either.

So, I guess you want to know what are my results. Well, I started this program officially weighing 138 pounds. Now I weigh 136 pounds. Unfortunately, I did not take my measurements or percentage of body fat at the beginning of this program. But my clothes are really loose. Too big to be exact. I wore a pair of skinny jeans yesterday and they were kinda baggy. I have some photos that I will post.

Some of you may have some questions. So, I will try to guestimate them.

1. Did you follow the program to a T? I tried very hard to do the workouts as designed and for the most part I did, until the injuries started happening in phase III.

2. Did I eat right the whole time? The answer is mostly yes. My biggest thing is that I don't think I ate often enough. I am a vegetarian so I don't really eat bad. What I had to do is cut out sugar. Well unnatural sugars. I replaced sugar with xylitol. Xylitol is a great sugar substitute and it tastes just like sugar. For this program it called for lean proteins, chicken, fish, etc. However, being a vegetarian, I could not eat the chicken, but I did eat fish, tofu, and shrimp. For breakfast, I did either egg whites, oatmeal, or Kashi cereal with 6 grams of sugar or less and unsweetened almond milk (my new favorite, I've actually turned my mom onto it). And of course I ate fruit and vegetables. Nuts: almonds, cashews and walnuts. I tried to eat as many times a day as I could, and I did protein shakes. I also have fallen it love with Ezekiel bread. It's my new favorite thing (with natural peanut butter).

3. Did you ever get discouraged? Yes, I did plenty of times. I just felt like nothing was happening to my body. The biggest mistake was getting on the scale. The scale does not tell the whole story. I gained muscles, which weigh more that fat. Once I got this through my head I was good.

4. I am I happy with the results? For the most part, yes . . . I am healthier and stronger. I remember, I could barely do 5 push ups, now I can do three sets of 10 - 15. I am not happy that I had to lose some days due to my injuries. I do believe these missed days impacted my progress a little bit. But I look great if I do say so myself ;)

5. What's next? That is what I have been thinking about. I thought about doing the whole program all over again. That is once I have finished with my MBA classes. This way, I can fully concentrate on working out and planning my meals ahead. If you go to there are plenty of programs and information about working out. I think I may try another program from there. I do plan to continue to eat clean and healthy.

You want to see updated photos? Here we go.

March 21, 2012

April 8, 2012 (End of the LiveFit program)

So let's look at me from the beginning to the end, he he he . . .

Jan. 17, 2012---------------- Feb. 18, 2012
March 5, 2012

March 13, 2012 March 21, 2012

April 8, 2012

It was a long journey, but I completed it. And now my journey continues!

If there are any men reading this you may want to turn your head right about now . . . .

Okay ladies, I got my monthly visitor on yesterday, so I am not as toned as I was a few days ago. But hey, this still isn't half bad, huh! =)